How to Be a Defensive Driver

How to Be a Defensive Driver

Defensive driving is a set of skills that allows you to defend yourself against potential car accidents caused by other drivers, road conditions, the weather, or even your own mistakes. While it isn’t possible to avoid all risks when driving, driving defensively can make you considerably safer on the road. Here are some tips:

Never Assume Another Driver Sees You

It’s important not to assume that other drivers are aware of your presence. Even if you have the right of way or believe that your intentions are clear, there is no guarantee that others will notice or acknowledge this. Remain vigilant at all times and be prepared for unexpected situations.

Expect Other Drivers to Make Mistakes

Expecting mistakes from other drivers allows you to anticipate potential dangers and take appropriate action in advance. Keep a safe distance between vehicles so that sudden maneuvers or errors by others do not catch you off guard.

Stay Out of Other Drivers’ Blind Spots

One effective defensive driving tip is to avoid lingering in another driver’s blind spot. This is the area where their side mirrors don’t provide them with proper visibility. If you find yourself driving alongside another vehicle, make sure to either speed up or slow down to get out of their blind spot as quickly but safely as possible.

When In Doubt, Yield

If you are uncertain about who has the right of way at an intersection or any other situation on the road, it’s always safer to yield than assume and proceed. Yielding allows you time and space to assess the situation more thoroughly before proceeding safely.

Use Your Blinkers

Using your blinkers is a key aspect of defensive driving. Indicating your intentions with turn signals not only helps other drivers anticipate your next move but also promotes safer lane changes and turns. Signal early and consistently, giving others enough time to react accordingly.

Keep a Steady Pace

Maintaining a steady pace while driving can contribute to smoother traffic flow and reduce the likelihood of accidents or road rage incidents. Avoid sudden braking or accelerating whenever possible, as this can disrupt the rhythm of other drivers around you.

Never Use Your Phone While Driving

Using a phone while behind the wheel, whether for texting, talking, or browsing the internet, is extremely dangerous and can lead to severe accidents. The temptation may be strong at times, but it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road. Keep your phone out of reach and remain focused on driving.

Assume That Others ARE Using Their Phone

To enhance your defensive driving skills, it’s wise to assume that other drivers may be using their phones while behind the wheel. Unfortunately, distracted driving has become a major concern on the roads. By adopting this mindset, you can be more cautious and prepared for unexpected maneuvers or delayed reactions from other drivers.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Drinking alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, reaction time, and overall driving ability. It’s never worth risking your life or causing harm to yourself or innocent people by getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. If you plan on drinking while socializing away from home, make arrangements in advance for a designated driver or alternative transportation options to avoid a drunk driving accident.

By combining these defensive driving strategies you’ll enhance your ability to react quickly and avoid accidents on the road. If you do find that you’ve been in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

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