Pre-Ride Inspection: Tips for a Safe Motorcycle Trip

Pre-Ride Inspection: Tips for a Safe Motorcycle Trip

When it comes to staying safe on the roads while riding a motorcycle, conducting a pre-ride inspection is crucial. Before hopping on your bike, make sure to follow these tips recommended by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF).

  • Check your tires and wheels: Visually inspect your tires for any noticeable damage such as cuts, bulges, or foreign objects stuck into them like nails or shards of glass. The tire pressure should be at manufacturer recording levels when tires are cold (not been ridden on). Additionally, examine wheels by looking at rims to see if they’re bent. Ensure tires have enough tread depth to be within the 2/32″ legal limit
  • Inspect the controls: Test the brakes, clutch, and throttle to ensure they are working smoothly. The handlebar should be secured to the stem with no play. Verify that the cables are not frayed or kinked. Check the mirrors and adjust them for optimal visibility.
  • Verify the lights and electrical systems: A comprehensive check of all lighting equipment on your motorcycle involves ensuring that headlights, taillights, brake light, and indicators are in working order. Checking electrical systems generally means taking an overview of whether battery terminal leads are tightly affixed to the correct spots and making sure there isn’t any wiring that is visibly frayed.
  • Check oils and other fluids: Ensure that all necessary fluids, including oil, coolant, and brake fluid, are at the recommended levels. If any of these fluids appear low or dirty, it is important to address them before setting off on your motorcycle to ensure proper performance and functionality.
  • Inspect the chassis: Examine the frame and overall structure of your motorcycle for any visible damage or signs of wear and tear. Pay close attention to critical components such as suspension mounts and engine mounts to ensure they are securely fastened.

By incorporating these added steps into your pre-ride inspection routine, you will be better prepared for a safe ride on your motorcycle.

What To Do After a Motorcycle Accident

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, understanding what steps to take is vital. These actions can help protect your legal rights and increase the likelihood of fair compensation for your injury:

  • Seek immediate medical attention: Prioritize your health above all else. Even if injuries seem minor initially, some may manifest later and become serious if left untreated, so always get checked out. Additionally, this will serve as evidence of your injuries should you try to obtain compensation later on. 
  • Dial 911: Calling 911 and waiting for law enforcement to arrive ensures that an accident report will be created. They will document the scene and provide an official record of the events, including who they believe may have been at fault, which could be crucial when seeking compensation in the future. 
  • Gather witness contact info: If there were any witnesses to the accident, collect their contact information and details. These individuals can possibly provide testimony to support your claim.
  • Take pictures at the scene: Photographs can depict the situation more accurately than spoken or written word of how exactly an incident occurred and who was involved. Try to capture all angles including wide shots for context and closer images detailing specific damages or injuries.
  • Call a lawyer: Getting in touch with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer is critical. They understand laws related to motorcycle accidents and can help navigate the complexities of obtaining compensation for your losses.

Experiencing a motorcycle accident can be highly distressing. Understanding what causes these accidents and what you can do beforehand to try to prevent them and what to do if you experience one can go a long way. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation with our Fresno personal injury attorneys

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