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Drowsy Driving Accidents in Fresno
Today’s busy lives and unrealistic schedules leave many Americans chronically sleep-deprived. Unfortunately, our responsibilities take us out on the road even when we’re tired. But when does tiredness transition into a dangerous state of drowsiness behind the wheel? Drowsy driving accidents in Fresno are part of a larger problem across the country. The National Sleep Foundation’s research across multiple data platforms leads to an estimation of 6,400 deaths from drowsy driving each year and tens of thousands more injuries. These numbers are likely significantly underreported since it isn’t always possible to know if a driver was fatigued or nodding off at the wheel when the accident occurred.
How Tired Is Too Tired to Drive?
Clinical research reveals the full impact of drowsy driving by comparing it to drunk driving. Studies show that operating a car after less than 5 to 7 hours of sleep or after being awake for 17-19 hours has physical and cognitive impacts similar to driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05%. An average-sized woman reaches this BAC after three drinks, four drinks for an average-sized man. The National Sleep Foundation warns that adults between the ages of 26-64 need seven to nine hours of sleep per night for optimal function behind the wheel and should avoid medications that list drowsiness as a side effect.
Drowsiness diminishes cognitive ability or decision-making, impairs vision, slows reaction times, and reduces attention—a potentially deadly combination behind the wheel.
What Are the Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving?
Feeling tired at the end of a day, early in the morning, or while on a road trip is normal, but when tiredness escalates into sleepiness, it has physical and cognitive impacts on a driver in addition to the risk of actually falling asleep behind the wheel. The warning signs of dangerous drowsiness while driving include the following:
- Excessive yawning
- Heavy eyelids or rubbing the eyes
- Blurred vision
- Inability to remember the last several miles driven
- Wandering thoughts
- Tailgating
- Drifting out of a lane and over-correcting
- Nodding head
- Hitting the rumble strips on the side of the road
- Frequent accelerating and braking
If you recognize these signs in yourself or another driver in a vehicle in which you are a passenger, it’s critical to find a safe location to get off the road and rest, have a cup of coffee, or take a brisk walk to improve oxygen flow. Once you’ve reached your destination it’s important to prioritize getting adequate sleep. If you spot these behaviors in another driver on the road, distance your vehicle from theirs and report the driver if they are driving dangerously.
Liability for Drowsy Driving Accidents in Fresno
Continuing to drive while drowsy is negligence. A driver who falls asleep behind the wheel or causes an accident due to impaired driving ability is liable for economic and non-economic damages to accident victims in fault-based insurance states like California. Under the state’s pure comparison negligence insurance system, the injury victim (plaintiff) must prove the at-fault driver’s (defendant’s) liability. This requires showing that they owed a duty of care to others on the road, they breached this duty by acting negligently, their breach of duty caused injuries, and the injury victim suffered damages from the accident. Typical damages in drowsy driving accidents in Fresno and elsewhere include property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and compensation for pain and suffering.
How Can a Fresno Drowsy Driving Accident Lawyer Help?
No one should have to take on the challenges of proving an at-fault driver’s liability. It takes a careful investigation of the evidence to show that a driver was too fatigued to drive safely and that their drowsiness was the cause of the accident. A skilled attorney performs an in-depth investigation, compiles evidence, and calculates the damages to make a compelling case to achieve the highest settlement or court award possible.
Call the Fresno car accident attorneys at Roberts & Spiegel Injury Lawyers today so we can begin prompt action on your case.
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